Domestic Business in Japan(Group Companies and Business Divisions) |
Wedge Holdings CO., LTD. |
Core of the group company and headquarters for the management of domestic and international businesses. Listed on the Osaka Stock Exchange Hercules Market in 2004. Became a business holding company structure in 2006 with 2 domestic business divisions. |
Unicon Division |
Unicon division started with the creation of articles in books and magazines which was integrated by the descendent of the founding business of our company with a new start in October 2012. Currently, Unicon acts as a production division for card game developments, publication editing, distribution of digital contents etc. with the trust from clients as partners in the entertainment sector. |
・Card Game Development |
We carry out game planning, production and consulting services mainly in trading card games originated from Japan with many enthusiasts in the international markets. |
・ Editing Productions |
We have had repeated business interactions with many clients including major firms as a major production company in the entertainment sector such as games, animations, comics, SFX etc. |
・Production and Distribution of Digital Contents |
We work on the production of digital contents from contents distribution to mobile phones and smart phones to the development of applications. | |
Southeast Asian Group Companies |
Group Lease PCL. – Finance Business - |
Carries out the finance business mainly in Bangkok, Thailand. Specializes in providing motorcycle leasing funds for customers purchasing motorcycles which have now become the daily transportation and important tool for work in Southeast Asia. Group Lease PCL became a consolidated subsidiary and core business of Wedge Holdings in July 2009. | |
GL Finance PLC. (GLF) |
Established in 2012, GL Finance PLC is the first motorcycle lease pioneer company in Cambodia granted with the Financial Lease License by the Central Bank of Cambodia that is developing the motorcycle finance in Cambodia which is expanding throughout ASEAN countries. GLF is rapidly expanding to new markets from the capital, Phnom Penh. | |
Engine Holdings Asia PTE. |
A strategic subsidiary established in Singapore in 2009 to control investments and managements in the emerging markets of Southeast Asia. Engine Holdings Asia PTE plays an important role as the core of Wedge Holdings’ international businesses by utilizing management infrastructures in the leading nation of Southeast Asia, Singapore. |
GL Leasing (Lao) Co.,Ltd.(GLL) |
Started finance business in Laos in May 2015. Currently promoting business expansion in various regions of Laos with a focus on motorcycle leasing. | |
PT Group Lease Finance Indonesia (GLFI) |
In April 2016, the company began developing its finance business in Indonesia. Currently, the company is promoting business development in various regions of Indonesia, focusing on group loans. | |
BG Microfinance Myanmar Co.,Ltd.(BGMM) |
In January 2017, the company became a consolidated subsidiary in Myanmar to develop its Finance business. Currently, the company is promoting business development in various regions of Myanmar with a focus on group loans. | |
Started Finance business in Myanmar in March 2017. Currently promoting motorcycle leasing business in various regions of Myanmar. | |
Phi Phi Coral Resort Co., Ltd. - Affiliate Company - |
Manages Zeavola Resort, a high class resort hotel on Phi Phi Island located in Phuket, Thailand. The resort is an important high valued overseas asset of our group which is also evaluated as a Small Luxury Hotel with wealthy repeaters from Asian and Western countries. | |
About Showa Holdings Group |
Showa Holdings Co., Ltd. |
Showa Holdings Group is a group company established by the shifting of Showa Rubbers Co., Ltd., a company founded in 1937, into a holdings company in 2009. Companies under Showa Holdings Group includes the founding business of manufacturing and processing of industrial rubber products, manufacturing and sales of sports products, food production business and many more. Our company had a business partnership with Showa Holdings in May 2011 and became a part of Showa Holdings by the acquisition of our company shares. | |